cherche un repreneur pour faire revivre le site autour de son contenu dédié à la lutherie et à la guitare haut de gamme. Pour plus d'infos, contacter Jean-Michel Langé par email : jml (arobase)
The A model guitar :A full tone allowing guitarists to use the whole neck without any compromises on expression, nuance and sustain.
Delivered with : Hard case
Shatten amplification : is optional on request
The A model guitar :A full tone allowing guitarists to use the whole neck without any compromises on expression, nuance and sustain.
Tight mid ranges that are warm and not aggressive.
Warm and sweet high tones, with clear pitch especially on the B note which has a tendency to blur.
Full, rounded and resonating bass sound .
A comfortable shape allowing for optimal elbow positioning with the hand falling naturally near the soundhole and ample space for anchoring on the knee
Having experimented with these ideas, we arrived at the present design for our model :
Long 25,4 inch diapason for fullness.
Body is 50 cm long, 39 cm wide, with its waist measuring 24 cm, its shoulders 28.6 cm.
9.4 cm width at the end of the neck, 11.3 cm at the end of the bottom (compared to 12 for a D shape and 10.6 and 10.9 for an OM)
Thin braces maximum 8mm with a forward shifted X (to enhance response and ease), frets positioned like the OM with maximum high range advantage as the table is longer in the back. Braces are also lighter for the high notes.